• Android & iOS SDK
  • Windows SDK

Change logs

Android & iOS SDK

[New] Android supports setting logcat buffer size via interface and cloud strategy.

[New] Initial version.

Windows SDK (2024.4.11)

[New] Add the OnlyUploadFirstCrash interface to support reporting only the first captured crash per launch.
[New] Add the ReportExceptionW and SetCustomLogDirW interfaces to support reporting attachments with GBK characters in their paths. (2024.3.27)

[Fix] Fix a problem that may cause inaccurate session crash rate. (2024.3.14)

[Fix] Solved the problem that crash processing takes a long time in some cases. (2024.3.13)

[New] Support for CrashSight integration in engine layer. After integrating in the engine layer, crashes can be captured more accurately, and conflicts with some security SDKs would be avoided effectively.
[Fix] Add version number, description and other information to dll details.

2.2.1 (2024.2.6)

[New] Support for strategy parsing. Developers can configure and disable CrashSight SDK in the page Information


[New] Add support for the Windows platform for the first time.

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